Thursday, December 27, 2012

Meet our new little man, Frankie

We finally had our little boy! {hee hee} His name is Frankie.

The day we got him

K and Frankie the day we got him

 He'll be around 5 months old on January 4th. He's black with a white blaze on his chest and some white on all four of his feet.  He's a rescue dog that's part Basset Hound and part Lab.  That's where those adorable ears come from.  I hope they always look long and floppy. The doc says he'll probably be about 50 lbs of  lazy, hound dog  love. He has alot of skin to grow into. You can grab it and pull on it and he doesn't seem to mind. I like to think he's the long lost  cousin of Charlie, Ree's dog over at Pioneer Woman.  Maybe we should bring him by to visit.  :)

He enjoys eating anything....



 chewing,  playing with his brother....
playing with the kids....

peeing and pooping( not always in the correct places),  squeezing through the fence,  eating, peeing, pooping.... wait, Am I repeating myself?  Well, he does enjoy those things alot.

He is also a dog of  many emotions:

I know....don't be shocked by his intensity. It can be overwhelming at times. LOL.

He is such a sweetie and you'll be seeing alot more of him  from now on.

 He is one of the reasons I haven't been around here as much.  I have to keep eyes on him at all times! Otherwise  I'm cleaning up a  mess of one kind or another. It's just like having another  2 1/2 year old in the house.

Most days I'm not sure why I did this to myself. Getting a puppy with two small kids but I did and now he's my kid too.  I know it'll  get better but next time , we may rescue an older, potty trained , non-chewing dog.
most recent picture, a week ago.

He already has a bunch of  nicknames:
-Little Man ( well, when we first got him)
-Frank the Tank
-No-No bad dog
-King Piddles

Don't worry I'm sure we will think of more.

And in full disclosure, we've had him for two months already and I'm just getting around to this post mostly because.....wait for it.......................................wait for it..........................................................
we couldn't decide on a name for almost that long......GASP!!

I know, bad dog mommy and daddy but this poor little guy was "Puppy" for a whole month.  Geez. I know, indecisive much? 

But now he's Frankie and all is good in the world.  I think  a  post called " the world according to Frankie"  sounds  good. Don't you?

What is the Gunny Sack -Making the world Cuter -Debbie Doo -DIY Show Off
-I should be mopping the Floor


 Tip Junkie - My Uncommon Slice of Suburbia -The Kurtz Corner
Sugar Bee - Romance On A Dime -The Winthrop Chronicles

 Someday Crafts - Sew Much Ado


Beyond the Picket Fence - Somewhat Simple - Live Laugh Rowe
- The Shabby Cottage The Taylor House- House of Hepworths 
Two In Diapers-Mommy Brain Mixer

Naptime CraftersStay At Home Nation
Young and CraftyMy Turn(ForUs)
Delicate Construction
Serenity Now


Six Sister's Stuff

Cheerios and Lattes

Thursday, December 13, 2012

Fuzzy Owl Ornaments

 I  was so excited when Erin from over at My Very Educated Mother contacted me to be involved with her " No Ugly ornament " Series over on here blog.  That started me thinking on what I wanted to make.  Maybe my idea of not ugly is someone else's idea of very ugly! Hmm.... what to do?

I was surfing around the net one day when I came across this image from Lilian Vernon.

It was so cute and so simple I knew I could redo it it myself and make it more cuddly and warm for the holidays. I have a new interest in  felt over the past year so I went off in search of a felt ball or something round I could cover with felt.  But then I went to Target and found these sweater ball ornaments for $3 a piece. Perfect!  Done and done.  It wasn't felt but it was sweater material so that worked for me. 

I started to sketch out what colors should go where since I knew I anted to be all Christmas colors.  I bought my felt ans was ready to go.

I tried to freehand some circles but that ended in disaster. If you can do that, more power to ya.  I found a pill bottle ( for the eye circles),  a nickel ( for the smaller eye circle), and a princess cup ( for the wings) which I then switched out for a Ziploc container when I realized it would be too small:) I set them up on the felt and cut my circles.

Cut out your circles and make sure they look ok when they are all laying on top of each other.  I did freehand the little beaks and feet.  The feet on the other version were just too hard for me to pull off.

Slowly start hot gluing them ( or whatever way sounds good to you)  onto your circle.  I did this very slowly so I was sure where everything was going.

When I got to the wings, I wasn't sure how to approach them.  I decided to take my large circle , cut it in half, and then overlap them together like a wing or feathers might look. It gave me the smooth look I was going for.

I decided to make two owls, one for each girl.  They are so cute and fuzzy. I love them.

The tree here at our house is nothing but  homemade or store bought but with a purpose.  I try to buy/make  things that the girls are into  every year around this time. It's like a time capsule to look back on.  My mom did the same thing for me and I love passing on the tradition. The girls get at least one new ornament a year that  I will pass on to them when they get their own place someday.

What's on your tree? ( reminds me of the "what's in your wallet? " commercials )

What is the Gunny Sack -Making the world Cuter -Debbie Doo -DIY Show Off
-I should be mopping the Floor


 Tip Junkie - My Uncommon Slice of Suburbia -The Kurtz Corner
Sugar Bee - Romance On A Dime -The Winthrop Chronicles

 Someday Crafts - Sew Much Ado


Beyond the Picket Fence - Somewhat Simple - Live Laugh Rowe
- The Shabby Cottage The Taylor House- House of Hepworths 
Two In Diapers-Mommy Brain Mixer

Naptime CraftersStay At Home Nation
Young and CraftyMy Turn(ForUs)
Delicate Construction
Serenity Now


Six Sister's Stuff

Cheerios and Lattes

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Initial Ornament Wreath

I've seen all of the cool ornament wreaths on Pinterest  but I wanted to be different .  I wanted to make mine of our family's last name which starts with an H.

I went, measured the front door  where I want to hang it,  and sketched it out for my hubby who  so nicely cut it out of  a piece of very thin plywood(1/4").

 I took it outside, back in July ( I know, it 's been a while in the making. That whole " Christmas in July" thing just never happened) and sprayed it shiny silver so that if any of it shown through , it wouldn't look as bad. I used Valspar  silver metallic spray paint.

I had been hanging on to some old glass Christmas ornaments for years that I bough to go outside on a tree but that didn't happen either.

 When I started to glue them on , I quickly realized that I didn't have enough since I was only using the red, green, and silver ones. I went back to Garden Ridge where I originally got them and bought another container of red, green, and silver ornaments which was the theme I wanted.  Obviously you can do that with any color scheme. Now what should I do with all of those Blue and gold ones?

I just started gluing on different sizes and colors, stacking them  until it started looking full and the way I wanted it to. I did take off  the little hanger "crowns"   that were on the top of all of the ornaments. When you need to glue them top down, it makes it a whole lot easier.

My hubby helped me drill some tiny holes into the plywood and ran framing wire through it and  voila!

Our family initial on the front door for Christmas!

 I'm kinda excited as this is the first wreath I have ever made and  first thing I have hung on this front door since we moved in  almost six years ago.   Please don't send the empty door police after me, I'm trying to get better!  Remember I had  an empty mantel for years and now mantels are fun for me!

What is the Gunny Sack -Making the world Cuter -Debbie Doo -DIY Show Off
-I should be mopping the Floor


 Tip Junkie - My Uncommon Slice of Suburbia -The Kurtz Corner
Sugar Bee - Romance On A Dime -The Winthrop Chronicles

 Someday Crafts - Sew Much Ado


Beyond the Picket Fence - Somewhat Simple - Live Laugh Rowe
- The Shabby Cottage The Taylor House- House of Hepworths 
Two In Diapers-Mommy Brain Mixer

Naptime CraftersStay At Home Nation
Young and CraftyMy Turn(ForUs)
Delicate Construction
Serenity Now


Six Sister's Stuff

Cheerios and Lattes

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