Sunday, May 20, 2012

Things I Love about St.Louis: Grant's Farm

(Third post in the "Things I love about Saint Louis" series)

Grant's Farm
has always been special to me. When I was little and lived in the city, it was the only place I could go ( besides the Zoo) to see animals and especially horses. I love horses. All my old friends reading this right now are going.. yep. If you are going to see horses, Clydesdale are some magnificent horses to see up close.

I may be a little bias because I had the privilege of getting to work here one season during college. It was the best job I ever had. I got to be outside, talk to people all day, and be around animals.  I helped and met people from all over the world. It was a blast.

Grant's Farm is a fun place to take your family to see some animals, do some fun activities and have some free beer. Yes.. I said free beer.   It was originally owned by Ulysses S Grant's in-laws and the property was bought by August Busch Sr.  ( of Anheuser Busch fame ) and was his "80 acre country estate" back when the commute by wagon took a whole day from the brewery downtown.
Grant's Cabin ( Hardscrabble)

They opened it up to the public in 1954  and the rest is history.  You  pay $12 to park, and there are other extras you can pay for once inside like carousel rides, feeding the goats, feeding the camels, and of course food and gift  shop items.Or you can go for free after's up to you.

One of the trams

Your visit starts with a 15 min tram ride ( like a car/train ride) around the property to see some of the wild animals like deer, donkeys, cattle, bison . The kids love this part and on a warm day nothing feels better.

Where are the animals? We didn't see many that day and and what we did see were ffaaarr away.
J and S looking for the animals

They offer Private expeditions in a special van which we have done once. It was pretty cool and definitely a little VIP but it's a little pricey so we've only done it the one time.

After the tram ride is over, then you are at the Tier Garten area where the carousel, goats, elephant show, and  bird shows are. They sell a pass now for $5 which is well worth the price. You get  2 bottles for the goats,  ne carousel ride ( one adult is included to take the child) and one snow cone.  Even thought we don't usually eat the snow cone it's still a heck of a deal.

They giggle and laugh every time they feed the goats
You can feed baby goats with a bottle through a fence or if you don't mind goats up close and personal... you can walk into there little area where  they kinda jump on you and eat your clothes. We haven't gotten to that point yet. Maybe when the girls are older.

Walking to the carousel
 K has a real fascination with elephants so for th first time we took them to sit through the elephant show.  Our star of the the day was " Bud" the elephant.  He has been there a long time and as well taken care of as he can be. He gave quite a performance. Even S was impressed, look below.

Here's Bud striking his "pose"

A short walk down a path leads you to the Bauernhof area. This was the building that housed August Busch's horses and carriages. Isn't it cool looking? I always feel like I'm somewhere else or some other time when I walk in there. There is always lively polka music playing so it's very festive.

The Bauernhof is also the place to go for some food, snacks and that free beer I was telling you about earlier. Each adult over 21 gets two free samples per day. Or if you go with someone who doesn't want theirs , well, you might get more. They usually have about 6-10 different kinds on tap. And on a hot day,  they taste really good.

The wood and brick work on the inside is just exquistie.
Grant's Farm
A  great place to have a bite to eat and enjoy  being outside

There is something about all the textures and colors I just love.

Exmoor Pony in the paddock

Some of the Busch family still uses them on occasion as the Busch Family Mansion is also on the property. (they show you a view very quickly on the tram tour and when you are feeding the camels on the way to the Bauernhof you can see the side back of it down the road.)
Busch Family Mansion
When you are done at the top of the farm, you jump back on the tram and go back down the hill to the gift shop and exit area. The gift shop really does have some cute things for kids and adults. There are all kinds of price ranges. We can usually get out of there with the kids only for less than $10 if anything at all.   You then cross the bridge again , go back into the parking lot and follow the white horseshoe prints to the Clydesdale stables and breeding barn at the far end of the parking lot.

You then cross the bridge again , go back into the parking lot and follow the white horseshoe prints to the Clydesdale stables and breeding barn at the far end of the parking lot.

The keep a bunch of the young male Clydesdales here that pull the hitch along with a few mares and foals. They are such beautiful horses along with gentle and patient with all of the people constantly taking their picture and staring at them all day.  After you walk through the main barn, you get to walk outside and see some of them in their pastures.  We saw a young one out by himself. After a while he came to the fence and let us pet him.

Grant's Farm


If someone were coming to Saint Louis for a long weekend, I would definitely send them here. Everyone seems to love it and comes back again and again.

What is the Gunny Sack -Making the world Cuter -Debbie Doo -DIY How Off
DIY Shop - Lines Across My Face -I should be mopping the Floor
Great Fun 4 Kids


How to Nest For Less - Tip Junkie - My Uncommon Slice of Suburbia -The Kurtz Corner
Sugar Bee - Romance On A Dime - Chronic Christian Crafter - Funky Polka Dot Giraffe
The Winthrop Chronicles

Oopsey Daisy - Thrifty Home - Someday Crafts - Sew Much Ado
- Junk in Their Trunk  - Southern Lovely


My rePurposed Life - Beyond the Picket Fence - Somewhat Simple - Live Laugh Rowe
Loving this Crazy Life -Scrappy Crafty Happy - Fireflies and Jellybeans - The Shabby Cottage
Quality Cheap Home  - The Taylor House
House of Hepworths


Naptime CraftersStay At Home Nation
Young and CraftyMy Turn(ForUs)


Six Sister's Stuff
Pam's Planning Party

Nifty Thrifty Things

Other Fun Blogs


  1. The place looks good. I think many couples would love to held their weddings in this place. I like the place.

    1. They used to allow it but I think they may not anymore. You would have to check out the official website or call.

  2. Thanks for this! I haven't been to Grant's Farm in forever and we keep thinking of what to do in STL on short day trips throughout the summer. We're definitely doing the zoo, we did the Magic House a few months ago, and when Lily gets a little older, we'll do the City Museum and some other places. But this will be a fun thing this summer. We live near the new home for the clydsdales (near Columbia) and we've toured that facility with Lily before and she loved seeing the horses. Her new thing to ask is when she can ride horses we see out in pasture around our area. :)

    1. No problem. i just love GF. And that farm near you is so on my list for this summer. I can't wait. The girls will finally be into it this year I think.

  3. Thanks for giving a more indepth tour, I wasn't aware there was so much to do there. I need to take the kids, they'd get a kick out of it!

    1. I'm glad I could show you some other stuff. The kids really do love going there. Let me know how they like it.

  4. Looks like so much fun! I am visiting from Thee Blog Hop and I am a new follower! I hope you will stop by and do the same.


    1. Thanks, Robin. I also following you and apparently I need to take you with me garage saleing because I never find that kind of cool shiz-nit.

  5. Your pictures are gorgeous! Looks like a great place!

  6. Emily,

    I've never been to St. Louis, but I have heard great things -like the zoo! I think its always a wonderful resource to know that fun little gems in your own area for when family comes to visit or you just need to take the little ones on an afternoon outing.

    I followed you over from the Debbie Doos linky party. I would love if you stopped by my blog.

    Thanks for sharing,

    1. Thanks for visiting and following, Laura. I'm doing the same now. Your pictures are awesome. It's great to meet another newbie like me. And I'll be doing a Zoo post soon.

  7. Just found you from Take it Tuesday. Do you live in STL? We live in Ofallon, MO. I actually need to take the kids to GF soon. New follower. I see you do a Friday Hop too. Love for you to enter it in my blog directory. Stop by! I would love to have a local blogging friend. My friends think I am nuts with this blogging thing...LOL!
    The directory is here. Love for you to add your hop

    1. Yes, we do live in saint Louis and yes it would be great to meet some other local gals who blog. I'm don't really have my OWN blog hop (yet) but I do link up to a bunch. Is that what you wanted me to link up?

  8. Looks like you had a really fun day!! I live in Kansas, so I've wanted to take a day trip to St. Louis for awhile. I might have to some time.

    Thanks for sharing at Take it on Tuesday!!

    1. We did have a good time. This was my mother's day pick. You should totally come here. So much to'd need a 3 day.

  9. What a great linky! Looking forward to visiting. Thank you for hosting.

  10. I live only 2 hours from STL and have been to Grants farm. I agree, it's a fun place to visit.

  11. What a lovely place!
    It's fascinating getting to discover some places I've never heard of through your blog...
    thanks for linking up on Best in Blog

    1. Thanks, Simoney. If ever I get to come down to New Zealand, maybe you can give me some pointers. My family came from there.

  12. That place looks amazing! I will put it on my to do list for the next time I come to St. Louis! Thanks so much for sharing at Toot Your Horn Tuesday :)

    1. Thanks for having me and you should totally come and see it. It's alot of fun with or without kids.

  13. I have got to put this on my list to visit when we finally get on the road with our RV. The pictures are just beautiful! And that sweet little colt was just precious:) Thank you for sharing at Freedom Fridays. Hope you are having a marvelous week and see you on Friday (if not before:)

    1. Definitely. Saint Louis in general is worth a stop. So many things to see especially with an RV. See you then.

  14. This seriously looks like so much fun! The pictures are wonderful, too! Thanks for sharing your ideas on "Strut Your Stuff Saturday!" We'll see you next week! -The Sisters


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