Sunday, June 10, 2012

Me + Vacation = Pneumonia

Hello all my bloggy friends. Man, I missed you guys.

Like the title....nice huh?  Yep....that's how I roll unfortunately. I went on my much anticipated vacation last week and wound up sick the whole time. I didn't find out until an ER trip on Thursday that I had  Pneumonia.  I used all of my energy every day to play with my girls on the beach or the pool. Then I went back to the condo every afternoon/evening and just crashed.

I didn't even look at a computer.

I didn't even send out my almost done posts  I had all done up the week before.

I feel so out of the loop.

I'm still not totally well even with the antibiotics (Can you say crazy side effects? Yikes!)

I'm slowly going to join the bloggy world again.  Let me know what I missed ...ok?


  1. Yucky! I hope you're feeling better! I had to go on meds for poison ivy. I always hate taking meds.. sometimes I think they can be worse than the reason you're on them. Take care!

    1. Poison Ivy totally sucks. I hate that too. Thanks.

  2. Well that's a bummer, hope you start feeling better!

  3. AWWW I am so sorry that you ended up sick on vaca :{ get well and glad to have you back and can't wait to see those pictures...... ok no pressure I know you were sick so if you skipped taking any we'll forgive you ;} Just glad to have you back feel better :))

    1. Thanks, Janice. And I did take some pictures but not near the amount I probably would have.

  4. I hope you feel better soon. I've had pneumonia several times and it's not easy. Take care of yourself.

    1. Several Times... yuck. I'm sorry you had to go through this a couple times. Thanks for the well wishes.

  5. I was wondering where you had been. I hope you feel better soon!


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