Tuesday, June 26, 2012

The Sunshine Blog Award

 (Ok, so this took me like  four days to write . I couldn't decide who to nominate. I know . I know.... more decisions, less thinkys)

My new friend Evelyn over at My Turn (for Us) has nominated me for the Sunshine blogger award.  I'm so flattered  that she though enough of my blog to give this award to me. This is my second blog award and I'm so happy to get them. It made my day.   I think these awards are just awesome little ways to send the positive flow back and forth to each other.

The Sunshine Award is an award given by bloggers to other bloggers. The recipients of the Sunshine Award are: "Bloggers who positively and creatively inspire others in the blogosphere." The way the award works is this: Thank the person who gave you the award and link back to them. Answer 10 questions about yourself. Select 10 of your favorite bloggers, link their blogs to your post and let them know they have been awarded the Sunshine Award! Don't forget to copy and paste the award on your blog!

Here we go! Ten questions:

1. Favorite color: Toss up between blue and green

2. Favorite animal: I love horses, ask anyone who knew me from age 5-16,but since the subdivision says no ( ;P) I love dogs just as much

3. Favorite number: I don't know but it has to be symmetrical

4. Favorite drink: chocolate shake

5. Facebook or Twitter: Facebook. I like that I just check once a day. I don't have time to update on twitter all day. I don't even care what I'm doing all day.

6. Good Book or a Good Movie: Hmm...toughie. I love a good movie with great actors but a book I can finish in my own time.
7. My Passion: I love my girls  more than anything but if we are talking about things I like to do.... photography and organizing/cleaning stuff.

8. Giving or getting presents: Both but I love giving something I know somebody really wants but doesn't think they are getting. That's the best.

9. Favorite day of the year: Christmas. I love everything about the day and even more so now that I have kids. 

10. Favorite flowers: Lilac. They smell so good and remind me of summer and warm and happy.

The 10 blogs I am sending the Sunshine Award to, in no particular order:

Besty @ Romance On A Dime : She has such great ideas on meal plans, diy, and all kinds of things. She has so much to see. She has a great linky party

Debbie @ Debbiedoo's : She does some things awesome things with her house and home decor along with an awesome newbie linky party which all us newbies appreciate.

Kelly @ Live, Laugh, Rowe : This gal does things with felt that makes me feel all  excited about felt again. It's not just for school projects anymore. Also awesome DIY crafts and  reviews. ( Also a great linky party)

Katrina @ Keys to the Magic Travel ; I look forward to her posts about Disney and things to do at the  happiest places on earth. She has so many ideas and things to do there and before you get there that I never thought of before.

Miss Charming @ Charming Zebra :  She does some great repurposing home decor stuff and throws enough about her family in there that you feel like you  really know her.

Mischele @ The Bean Sprout Notes : She  has a fun  family blog with  great everyday every person tips that we could all learn from. I like the way she writes, it sounds like me.

Julie @ The NapTime Review :  Julie has some awesome reviews and deals. Her Monday Mommy Meetup is great way to go out and meet each other.  She's a mom like me with kids issues ( Vicks in the hair...yuck)

Anna@ My Life and Kids :  This gal is the life of the blogging party. She says what we all want to and Even Steven is just along for the ride. I want to go back in time and invite you to my wedding. You would have made the night so much more exciting.
Joanna @ Brock Paper Scissors  She has cute little ones just like me, takes awesome pictures and her Friday favorites are one of my favorite Friday things. And her blog design is so cool.

Maxabella @ Maxabella Loves :  She has  these grateful posts and  Pin It posts  that make me think more about  myself and more about Pinterest than I ever thought I would. 


  1. I'm so flattered that you thought of me, Emily. I'm especially happy because the 'pin of the day' posts are new for me and I wasn't sure anyone liked them!

    We have loads in common - especially the chocolate shakes (although I confess diet coke is probably my number 1). I'm definitely a fellow Christmas embracer.

    I'm off to visit some of the great new blogs you've mentioned.


    1. I do really enjoy them because sometimes I'm just too busy to find any new pins myself. Well if I'm ever down under we'll have to go get shakes and if you're up here, I'll take you to get some frozen custard.

  2. Congrats on the award....your blog is great and I'm so happy you received this! :D


  3. awww... thanks for the kind words about me and my blog. I really appreciate the encouragement, especially from a fellow bloggers. Blogging is sort of my secret hobby - well not really a secret, but I hardly ever mention it in real life because no one in my local network of friends blogs. I figure I'll spare my non blogging friends the boredom of listening to me drone on and on about cool blog stuff. (Although I do have one friend across the country who blogs and with whom I can swap stories) ANYWAYS..... the point I'm taking forever to make is THANKS! I appreciate it :)

    And thanks for the introduction to some other great blogs!

    1. No problem. I totally get it. I really don't tell people I have a blog either unless something comes up or they ask. I'm not one of those.." I wrote on my the other day..."

  4. Many many thanks for thinking of me - I am truly honored! :-)

    And I so agree with you about facebook vs twitter. Love facebook. And I wish I was a better "twitter-er" - but I can't think of that many interesting things to post! And I'd much rather have a comment thread via fb than twitter - they just seem so random - especially as you read bits and pieces of other people's conversations!

  5. As always, well deserved! Congrats!

  6. Thanks so much for nominating me!! I feel very special!

    1. No problem. You totally deserve it. You are always out there at the link party, so supportive. And taking time to write us. It means alot.


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