Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Event Photography: Women helping women

Back in April, I was asked by my good friend Jessica to take some event photos at a luncheon for the non -profit organization that she works for called "Our Lady's Inn".  They are a wonderful organization that houses and helps pregnant women who are homeless, need a place to live, and help getting jobs. You can donate money (anyone) or clothes/things to  their second hand store ( us folks in St.Louis and St.Charles area)

The Garden of Life Luncheon was held at Our Lady of the Pillar Catholic Church in Frontenac in their gymnasium.   With this luncheon, was an auction and  a fashion show.   All of the clothes worn at the fashion show were from their second hand store, Twice Blessed. All of  the profits go back to the women that they help. With this fashion show, everything that is modeled  is available to buy and  with some additional stuff they  brought  on the side.

I got there and started taking pictures of the tables and auction items.

 There were lots of cute things for the auction like this cute dog made out of flowers. There were also items made just to sell like handmade cards and  necklaces.

All of the ladies got to mill around and bid on the auction items before lunch started. There were all kinds of gift certificates, toys, and home items to look at.

And there was the awesome catered food. Yum-me!

 Look at that dessert table...don't worry, it was all gone when the lunch was over. 

After lunch was the fashion show, there were so many cute things that people had donated.  There were women and girls strutting their stuff on the runway.

My friend Abbie, Jessica's daughter

The shoes were a little too big for her so she went for comfort instead.

These two stole the show.

 When everything was said and done , they raised a bunch of money and a lot of people walked away with a lot of nice things. I learned a lot about indoor lighting and my camera. But I have much more to learn.


  1. What a neat function! SO inspiring! Photography indoors is tricky..but you did a great job:)

    1. Thanks. Practice makes perfect or better, right?

  2. Your photos look great! That functions looks really neat. I just found you through the blog hop, and I'd love it if we followed each other! Your blog is adorable:)

    Shelby xoxo

    1. Thank you so much, Shelby. I'd love to follow you....maybe to get cupcakes? :)

  3. Okay, the shoes and potted flower centerpieces are adorable (and quite unique).
    I found and follow you through a blog hop. I hope you will visit and do the same.

    1. Nice to have you. And your article on your dog was great. We are trying to make that decision right now With a 2 and 4 year old, I'm just not sure.

  4. Hi! I'm a new follower from the Naptime Review Bloghop. It looks like such a great event! From Jenny @ Hope you will pay a visit :)

    1. Hi Jenny! It's nice to meet you. I'm following you now.


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