Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Becoming Stronger

Yep...that's my Rosie the riveter.  That's my ticket to the gun show right there.

I feel a shift happening in my life.

I was raised to be a good, kind, polite, whatever-you -want  kind of person. And for the most part those are all good things. Until you lose yourself somewhere in between.

I have always wanted people to say " Oh that Emily. She is such a nice person." So I did everything I could  so that no one could ever come back and say anything otherwise.

But I have noticed as  I get older and especially since I had kids.......... I'm tired of it. I'm tired of always not saying something or doing something  solely for the benefit of someone else.  I kinda feel like I've been censoring myself my whole life.

I'm not going to go all out and take the filter completely off ( because I know some of those people  and I don't like them either). But  I've been finding out that  I need to stand up for myself and especially my kids.

There are a few people in our lives that think they can do whatever they want, say whatever they want to me or my family. And normally, I would be very uncomfortable with it but just stand there and smile because I didn't want to be a B. And my hubby hates, with a capital H, confrontation so he will never say anything to anyone to avoid a fight.  So I feel like now, it's up to me. I'm not a doormat anymore and that, my friends, is going to ruffle a lot of feathers.

You know what?  .... Dang it.... I'm stronger than this. This is my life and my family. And to  H with anyone who's in my way now!

( Kelly Clarkson's " Stronger" is now my new official internal theme song..BTW)


  1. In the words of my daughter (after repeating a country song I can't remember who sang), "You go girl!" I'm the same way. I will sit back and be quiet and let lots of things happen but for the past 12-18 months, I'm sick of it. So I feel ya!!

    1. I guess after so many years... it just must be the time.

  2. Amen! You go girl! I know when it comes to my kids better watch out! Good for you!

    1. Thanks. And... I'm so not messin' with you now ;)

  3. Whoa...with "guns" like those, you'll be sure to stand your ground! And, good for you! I took me a while to strengthen my backbone. My husband is from Brooklyn, so he has no problem voicing his opinion. Me, on the other hand, took a bit longer.

    1. Thanks. I guess we all just have our limits and I finally hit mine.

  4. Woo hoo! I am so proud to hear you say that!

    1. Thanks, Jess. It feels good to really mean it.

  5. It's a shame that so many take kindness for weakness!!! I love being nice it makes me feel GREAT!! But when I voice something that isn't okay then I am a B yeah I am not okay with that and you shouldn't either, us easy going women need to be RESPECTED....not stereo typed!!! So I say embrace your STRENGTH because those that can't handle a strong women need to sit their butts down and get over their stupid selfs!!!

    1. That's right, Janice. Nice doesn't mean doormat. And I love the last sentence. Amen , sister.

  6. Good for you Emily! I used the be the same, but their needs to be a balance like you said. That's what I did for myself and it's made me a stronger and happier person today!


    1. Thanks, Melissa. That's what I'm hoping for.


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