Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Caillou Party for S

My little baby, S, turned 2 last week.  I swing between thinking can't be that old already..'s already 2 ?  I don't want her  to not be my baby any more. But as all moms say, they'll always be my babies.

I asked S , a few weeks ago what kind of party she wanted and showed her a catalog of birthday supplies that I got. She immediately pointed to Caillou.  For those that don't know, Caillou is a show about a bald little 4 year old boy, his mom, dad, sister Rosie and cat, Gilbert. Caillou is always learning how to be a good boy and  grow up. We watch the episodes that are on the  Sprout channel which is an off shoot of PBS. There are other episodes I've seen where Caillou is much more whiny and a pain but they are never on Sprout and I don't know why. As always , we have a tight budget so I knew I was doing everything myself.

So I started with the invitations...

I grabbed some clip art off  the internet and then made this file in Photoshop.( I can send you the file if you want. I haven't figured out how to make it downloadable here) Then I sent it to Walgreens and had it printed as 4x6s. So $2 for all the invites. Score!

Caillou is always wearing yellow, red and blue. A nice easy color combination to do and available everywhere. Since I did the colored circles on the invitations , I went and cut out, using my handy dandy circle cutter from Micheals, a whole bunch of red, yellow and blue paper circles. The pack of colored printer paper was $4 at Walmart.

I also bought a tiny  6" tall Caillou plush/plastic doll at ToysRUs. I figured it was double duty decoration and toy when the party was over.

  The dessert portion of the party was cupcakes and ice cream.  So I made vanilla cupcakes with chocolate butter cream icing and chocolate cupcakes with vanilla cream cheese icing.  The cupcake recipe was from Tidy Mom. And they really were very good. The chocolate butter cream recipe was from the back of the C&H powdered sugar box. Very tasty. And the cream cheese icing recipe was from the  Betty Crocker (everyone has it ) binder cookbook. I used a cupcake holder that my mom always lets be borrow.
I know...the tape is tacky butCaillou had to hold the sign

To go with my primary color/Caillou, theme I also bought some M&Ms. After I was done icing the cupcakes, I sat there, picked out the red, yellow, and blue candy and put them on the cupcakes to match the paper circles. I also cut up the box that  the Caillou toy came in , taped the images to toothpicks and added them to the cupcakes for more fun.

I went to the party store by our house and got a bunch of balloons in red, blue and yellow. Some even had a 2 on them. When I was at Trader Joes, I also picked up some gorgeous yellow sunflowers to go with my theme.

I went downstairs and started slapping the circles as randomly as I could on the walls. I  really liked how fun everything looked and how easy and cheap it was.

S loved everything. She loved playing with her friends, opening her presents, and eating her M and M's. She had quite a haul.  I can't wait to see what next year's party theme will be.

S, K, and the banner  Grandpa made.

Yea..sugar and candy!

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  1. Very cute ... I love your use of the bright primary colors! I love theme parties and playdates!

    1. Thanks, Randi. Our kids parties sure are fun to do.. More for me then them I think sometimes.

  2. This is so cute. I love your idea of just making the invitations as a picture file and then having them printed at a drugstore. That is such a great, cheap alternative to ones bought off of party sites. Thanks for the tip!

    1. Thanks! It is a really affordable way to do that or Christmas cards.

  3. What a fun party. Love all the colorful dots on the wall!

  4. So cute!! This brings back so many boys loved Caillou when they were little! I wish I would've done a party in this smart is that? Everything's adorable!!

    Thanks for linking up!

    1. Thank you so much, Kristi. S can't enough Caillou. It would be Caillou morning , noon and night for her if I let it. At least it's a toddler friendly show.

  5. Very cute party! Looks like your little one had a blast! :)

    1. Thank you, Michelle. Yes..She had a great time and walked around pointing and saying "Caillou" the whole time.

  6. Oh my this brought back so many fond memories of this great show. Thanks for sharing with the newbie party. Looks like a fabulous and fun party.

    1. Thanks , Debbie. It was a great party and is always a great show.

  7. What a sweet little girl and party. My son used to really like Caillou too. I would love it if you would stop by and share your party on Dare to Share.


  8. This is a very fun party theme. Looks great with the dots on the wall. :) Thanks for sharing this at Romance on a Dime!!

    1. Thank you, Betsy. I really liked the dots too.

  9. What a fun party for an adorable little girl! My kids also loved Caillou when they were that age...they are now 14 and 12. :-) Found you through Debbiedoo's Newbie Party. I'm happy to be now following. :-) Hope you have a wonderful night!

    1. Thanks, Sharla. I can't believe Caillou has been around that long. It is a cute little show. Thanks for following me and I'm following you right back.

  10. Great job!! My daughter likes Caillou too...I may have to hold on to these ideas! I love doing 'themed' parties for the kids and had no idea what I would ever do if she asked for a Caillou party!

    1. Thanks, Monica. Please do hang on to them. It was pretty easy to do and made things look cute. I love your dinosaur tail. I would have to make two though for both girls.

  11. What a great looking party! Thanks for linking up!

    XO, Melissa

  12. How cute! My youngest son loves Caillou too. I remember making everything for my oldest son's Blues Clues party years ago. It sure does save money to make things yourself. Great job...looks like your daughter loved it. I saw your link at the Freedom Fridays party.

    1. Thanks, Shasta. It sure does. And you just feel better knowing you made it look your way and not the party company's way all the time.

  13. How sweet is she??? Yes, my granddaughter loves Caillou also! I have watched many an episode with her. Love the bright colors! Thanks for linking up to Freedom Fridays. Hope you are having a marvelous weekend!!

    1. Thanks Evelyn and thanks for having me. Do you get the them song stick in your head too? LOL

  14. My 6 year old still loves Caillou and now I will be singing the song in my head ;) This was super cute and super easy to do on a budget. Thanks so much for sharing with us at Toot Your Horn Tuesday.

    1. Thanks, Debbie. I know...the song.. I catch myself singing it by myself.

  15. Oh my gosh! This is so cute! All of our kids LOVE Caillou, too! Thanks for linking up to Strut Your Stuff Saturday. Hope to see you again next week! -The Sisters

    1. Thank you. I'm glad to know that Caillou is loved all over and not just our house.

  16. My niece is having a Caillou party for her 2nd birthday this month. Love your invites! Could you send me the template?

  17. Hi Emily- I found your blog when doing a search for Caillou party stuff. What a great party. I would love it if you'd be willing to share the invitation file with me. email is

  18. Would love to get file

  19. Hello Emily, I was searching online for Caillou bithday party inspiration for my soon to be 3 year old son and came across your blog. I love your ideas, especially the M&M cupcakes and invites! If you are willing to share your invitation file I would be so grateful.
    Have a great day,

  20. Hi. Found this on pinterest while looking up ideas for my son's birthday. I was planning Thomas but now with all these ideas I think I have changed my mind. He loves Caillou and would love to watch it all day on Netflix. I would love to have the invitation file.

  21. Hi Emily,

    My daughter who is also turning 2 loves Caillou also. I have decided to make her theme caillou also. I would love if you share your invitation. I love all your suggestions.
    Thanks again for the great ideas.

  22. I love the invitation! My son is a Caillou fanatic. Can you please send me the link?
    Thank you!!!

  23. Your Caillou party ideas are awesome. I'm trying to stick to a budget. Please send the invitation file to:

    Thank you so much!

  24. My gal loves Caillou and was searching some party ideas on the net and came across your blog. You have a lovely blog and a happy family...:)Super cool ideas with low expenses...would you mind sharing the invitation ? my email id


  25. Thanks much for sharing all of your ideas. My daughter is having a Caillou party this year she will be two. Can you send me the link for your invitations. Thanks so much.

  26. Hi, my daughter is turning 2 in November and i love your calliou decor! I was wondering if you have a moment if you could send me your invite template my email is Thankyou for being so creative:)

  27. Hello! We are headed for a Caillou party for my son's birthday in Feb...the dots remind me of his first when we did a ball party...dots were sooo cute...and cheap! Would u mind sharing the invite?
    Thanks, April

  28. Thank you so much for sharing. My daughter is in love with Caillou and I wasn't sure what I would find to create a Caillou party for her. I love your invitations. If you can send me your invitation template, I'd greatly appreciate it.

    Thank you!

  29. Wow ...Your ideas are amazing!! Very cteative thanks for sharing. If you can please forward me the card template i would greatly appreciate

  30. Would you be able to send me the invitation template?? Love your ideas!!!


  31. Just came across your post all these years later, looking for Caillou party ideas for my soon-to-be two year old! She adores the show, and like you said, at least it is a nice story line. I'm surprised it is so hard to find Caillou items, given its popularity. I did find some decorations on birthday and plan to make my own cake. Thanks so much for the ideas! I was thinking of using star sprinkles, but I like the taste of M&Ms much better:)


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