Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Vacation at Pensacola Beach, FL ( Wordless Wednesday)

( Here are the best of what I took. Please be kind. I was/am sick. cough . cough)
Sunrise the morning we left somewhere in Missouri

After 15 hours in the car...this was a great sign to see.

  Their first beach photo the day after we got there.

  View from in front of our condo on the beach looking East.

  This was the first thing they did after we gave them the toys.

I'm not sure you can tell but it was quite an incline from the waves to the seaweed up there.

Us under our pavilion( that days later the wind pick up,threw, and destroyed) and  I circled our condo  on the first floor.

 Lifeguards with yellow caution flag out.  Everyday we were there, it was yellow.

 What? See I'm cute.

  And now I shall eat your apple.


  1. We LOVE going to the gulf beaches - our favorite is St. George island - love that it's warm, like bath water!

    And that photo of your girls - with your youngest hugging her sister while your older daughter has her mouth open - LOVE, LOVE, LOVE it!!

    1. I'll have to look that one up. And yes, they are two little characters aren't they?

  2. Great photos, Emily! I love the one of your daughter eating the apple...too cute!

    1. Thanks. Those are my cute little monsters.

  3. Ahh... so jealous :) We went to "the emerald coast" last year and it is seriously my favorite place in all of Florida. I can't wait to go back! Looks like you had a fun time and got some amazing pics!!

    1. Thanks. We all had a great time. I can't wait to go back already and it's only been a week. Vacations are just too short. And I'm a new follower, let's get #8 crossed off.

  4. What fun! Looks like the girls had fun in the sand!

    1. They had a great time. The oldest said we are going to the beach next year too. So ... I guess we are now.

  5. You got some great shots! I love all of them! My faves are the one where she ate the apple; too funny, the surfers; very cool, and that last shot; love the expression! It looks beautiful there in FL.

    1. Thanks, Elena. It was a great place to take pictures. I can't wait to go back.

  6. The picture of your girl on the beach in her swimsuit and crocs is a framer! They are all great but for some reason that one stood out to me. We just got back from a little beach trip ourselves, and must say it is great family time and memories! Cute blog header as well!

    1. Thanks, LeiShell. That picture is just so her. The beach is just a fun place to be no matter what.

  7. Cute pics! Can't wait until my baby girl is old enough to appreciate the beach. We've put her in the surf while in Italy last month, but it was cold, and she's still pretty small. Your girls smitten here. So cute! Found you via thee blog hop. Have a beautiful day, Emily. P.S. The spaghetti joke was also a good chuckle.

    1. Thanks. I know how you feel . I've been waiting for years to take them so they would kinda get it, you know? You're blog is so cute. I'm going to go exploring and see what else you have.

  8. What an adorable family you have! Someday I want to visit the beaches in Florida, they are so much prettier than the texas beaches! BTW, your blogger email settings are set to no-reply. If you wanted to update your settings, here are some instructions: Check your settings...

    1. Thank you,Jamie...OMG... I didn't realize. thank you so much for your help with that. Now I wonder how many times that may have slowed down someone talking to me.


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