Friday, July 27, 2012

Self Portrait Assignment (or learning to love your tripod)

I have been following Kelly  over at Live Laugh Rowe  and her super talented sister,  Kristine at  Kristine Lynn Photography  over the last couple of week s for a  Self Portrait Challenge.  Kristine  gave us a whole bunch of tips on how to take better self portraits of ourselves.

I find it is never easy to look at pictures of myself because most of the pictures I've done my own makeup and hair.  And the lighting is never good . And I'm making some kind of goofy face. blah blah blah. I think the only day so far in my life where I have liked every picture is my wedding day.  Because.....somebody else did my hair, makeup, and was there to tell me if I was making a dumb face.

I've been watching my friend, Michelle over at Callia's Corner the past few weeks being all diligent and taking all kinds of great self  portraits of herself.  And I was all like, " Yeah, I'll do that today." She made it look too easy. I had all intentions of trying to do this multiple times to practice but life and kids intervened  and I got to it once, in 100+ degree heat. Yeah, me!

So it shows up  when I publish this post.... I think this is my favorite one...

Manual ISO 400, 1/100, f 6.3
Or do you like the Black and white version?

But this one was good too....

 Or this one...

My house has exactly three places where any lights hit all day ( note to self: next house...more windows). And yesterday happened to be all overcast and cloudy so none of that light was coming in. So I headed out in the heat by my fence. I set up the tripod and a piece of tape  on the fence for focusing.

 Here is one of my blurry shots. The fence is in way more focus than I am.

Then  K wouldn't take a nap so then she was outside with me. I mean, look at that sweat on the sides of her nose. Yep, sweaty.

Her job was to make me laugh and keep the dog out of the way. See how much that worked...

He photo bombed me !!
I just wanted you all to see that  when i get a blog award I'm all like ahhhh...

 Then I'm all eeeeee....

I course I couldn't not have her jump in one time.

Thanks for all the tips , Kelly and Kristine! I might actually use one of these for my  front page photo and about page.

What is the Gunny Sack -Making the world Cuter -Debbie Doo -DIY How Off
DIY Shop - Lines Across My Face -I should be mopping the Floor
Great Fun 4 Kids


How to Nest For Less - Tip Junkie - My Uncommon Slice of Suburbia -The Kurtz Corner
Sugar Bee - Romance On A Dime - Debbie Does Creations - Funky Polka Dot Giraffe
The Winthrop Chronicles

 Thrifty Home - Someday Crafts - Sew Much Ado
- Junk in Their Trunk  - Southern Lovely


My rePurposed Life - Beyond the Picket Fence - Somewhat Simple - Live Laugh Rowe
Loving this Crazy Life - Fireflies and Jellybeans - The Shabby Cottage
The Taylor House- House of Hepworths-SNAP
Naptime CraftersStay At Home Nation
Young and CraftyMy Turn(ForUs)
Delicate Construction
Serenity Now
Here Comes the Sun


Six Sister's Stuff
Be Different Act Normal
Cheerios and Lattes
Natasha in Oz -Say G'Day


  1. I LOVE them! 100 degrees in pants! I'm so impressed. I love the one with your dog...what timing! I love all of them, to be honest. Great job!

    1. Thanks, Michelle. Don't give me too much credit..they were capris and the dog, well, he's just cool like that

  2. You look great...good pictures -- but for the record you really always look good.

    1. Awww.thanks, Laura. I'm not sure about that but I'll take it.

  3. Love the pictures! You look great! I love the fence as a background:)

    1. Thanks, LeiShell. They always say you have to work with what you have... and that's all I have during nap time :)

  4. These turned out so well!! I love the first one and 'eeee' one :D Thanks so much for participating!
    Lish @ Imprintalish

    1. Thanks, Lish! It was fun and scary to do know that...THAT is what I look like when I make those faces.

  5. These are great! I'm so glad that I saw this over on Six Sisters and that I came here for the low down. Thanks for pointing me to the other blogs so that I can learn to do a self portrait. There ain't nobody at my house who seems to care enough to take a picture of me. They are all like, "okay smile." Snap. Then they look at the pic on the camera and say, "Yep. Looks just like you", hand me the camera, and walk away. My husband is 6'4" and everything he takes is from a foot above me looking down at me. My head is sort of at the bottom of the picture with the top 3/4 of the picture filled with whatever is above my head...the wall, the sky, the trees, whatever. He tries, but his talents definitely fall into other areas. Anyway, thanks for a great post and for giving me some hope. You pictures are great and your little girl is darling. Kids are just so natural in photos.

    1. Thanks and no problem. Self portraits are so tough that I think I will always need some help. I hear ya with the husband thing. Mine is only 6 foot but I'm 5'3" so yep, short pictures. BTW, gorgeous kitchen. I'm showing my hubby.

  6. The pictures look incredible...great job!!

  7. Wow! These look really good. I hope to be able to invest in a nicer camera someday. Then maybe I can hone in on my photography skills.

    1. Thanks, Krystle. All you need is a basic SLR and you're good to go. Even some point and shoots have timers.

  8. Hi Emily,
    what a fun and all the pictures tuned out very natural, sympatical and nice. I love natural faces. Your little daughter is so cute. Good job.
    Best greetings, Johanna

    1. Thanks, Johanna. She is a good one. We might keep her :)

  9. Your photos are great. New follower from the mingle. Would love a follow back

    1. Thanks, Kathryn. I'm there.Following back.

  10. That was a fun share!
    Such sweet faces, both of you,

  11. they all look great!
    I would love for you to link this up at my
    Tell me Tuesday link party!


  12. I like them! I agree with one of the commenters. I love the "Eeeee" one and the "Aaah!" one. That's totally just like me! Ha ha! I need to get brave and try some self-portraits. :)

    1. Thanks, Jilly. WEll I figured when I say "EEEEEE" on the blog , now people know what I look like!

  13. These are fantastic photographs! Any of them would be perfect for your "About me" page. I just added a picture of myself to my blog yesterday. It's cropped from a photo my sister snapped of my son and can even see part of his face in the photo. I need to take your lead and use a tripod and take my own photo. Thanks for the inspiration! (found you through Tip Junkie)

    1. Thanks, Holly. The tripod part is easy. It's liking your faces after you take the pictures that is hard. Your blog is so gorgeous and I'm intrigued by eating Lavender...hmmmm... maybe I should try.

  14. Nice! Thanks for sharing all these pictures! I love the 3rd one of you the best, but they all look great! I'm kind of interested in trying this myself now. I don't have a good camera...someday.

    Thanks for linking up at Romance on a dime!!

    1. Thanks, Betsy. I think maybe you should ask for one this holiday season ;)

  15. The photos look great! Thank you for sharing this at Saturday Show and Tell. I can't wait to see what you have for this week! I look forward to seeing you there.

  16. I think they're all gorgeous! You have an amazing smile and your little girl looks just like her beautiful mama! Great job. I definitely could use some tips. Thanks for sharing, Emily!

    1. Thank you so much, Roeshel. You are way too nice. She makes me look good.

  17. These all look fabulous!! Love that first're such a natural behind the camera, so photogenic!

    1. Thanks, Kristi. Gosh, that is nice of you to say.

  18. Nice! I never use my tripod - I have become the queen of hand held self portraits
    But yours look FAB!

    1. Thanks. I really don't like the hand held ones I take. I think my nose looks too big and weird.LOL

  19. Wow...these are awesome photos...I love the one of the girls!

    1. Thanks, Marilyn. She makes any picture better!


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