Thursday, December 13, 2012

Fuzzy Owl Ornaments

 I  was so excited when Erin from over at My Very Educated Mother contacted me to be involved with her " No Ugly ornament " Series over on here blog.  That started me thinking on what I wanted to make.  Maybe my idea of not ugly is someone else's idea of very ugly! Hmm.... what to do?

I was surfing around the net one day when I came across this image from Lilian Vernon.

It was so cute and so simple I knew I could redo it it myself and make it more cuddly and warm for the holidays. I have a new interest in  felt over the past year so I went off in search of a felt ball or something round I could cover with felt.  But then I went to Target and found these sweater ball ornaments for $3 a piece. Perfect!  Done and done.  It wasn't felt but it was sweater material so that worked for me. 

I started to sketch out what colors should go where since I knew I anted to be all Christmas colors.  I bought my felt ans was ready to go.

I tried to freehand some circles but that ended in disaster. If you can do that, more power to ya.  I found a pill bottle ( for the eye circles),  a nickel ( for the smaller eye circle), and a princess cup ( for the wings) which I then switched out for a Ziploc container when I realized it would be too small:) I set them up on the felt and cut my circles.

Cut out your circles and make sure they look ok when they are all laying on top of each other.  I did freehand the little beaks and feet.  The feet on the other version were just too hard for me to pull off.

Slowly start hot gluing them ( or whatever way sounds good to you)  onto your circle.  I did this very slowly so I was sure where everything was going.

When I got to the wings, I wasn't sure how to approach them.  I decided to take my large circle , cut it in half, and then overlap them together like a wing or feathers might look. It gave me the smooth look I was going for.

I decided to make two owls, one for each girl.  They are so cute and fuzzy. I love them.

The tree here at our house is nothing but  homemade or store bought but with a purpose.  I try to buy/make  things that the girls are into  every year around this time. It's like a time capsule to look back on.  My mom did the same thing for me and I love passing on the tradition. The girls get at least one new ornament a year that  I will pass on to them when they get their own place someday.

What's on your tree? ( reminds me of the "what's in your wallet? " commercials )

What is the Gunny Sack -Making the world Cuter -Debbie Doo -DIY Show Off
-I should be mopping the Floor


 Tip Junkie - My Uncommon Slice of Suburbia -The Kurtz Corner
Sugar Bee - Romance On A Dime -The Winthrop Chronicles

 Someday Crafts - Sew Much Ado


Beyond the Picket Fence - Somewhat Simple - Live Laugh Rowe
- The Shabby Cottage The Taylor House- House of Hepworths 
Two In Diapers-Mommy Brain Mixer

Naptime CraftersStay At Home Nation
Young and CraftyMy Turn(ForUs)
Delicate Construction
Serenity Now


Six Sister's Stuff

Cheerios and Lattes


  1. I love these little owls:) The sweater is just perfect covering for the balls. I need to check out my Target to grab some (Next year's Christmas craft with the grandbabies:) I glad you switched out for the Ziplock container for the wings because I don't believe I have any Princess cups, lol.

    Thank you for sharing at Freedom Fridays!

    Merry Christmas!!!!

    1. I saw I bunch of these at my Target after Christmas. Did you find any? No princess cups? That's horrible. LOL

  2. These are too cute! I'm a new follower to your blog. I can't wait to read more!


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