Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Happy 4th of July!

We have drought like conditions here in Saint Louis so almost all of the fireworks have been canceled. We were lucky enough to go last week down the street from our house with our awesome neighbors. Here are my attempts at firework photography. I hope you all had fun with your fireworks.

 And of course one of my favorite pictures in the whole world of my beloved Charlie.  God love him. He always let me do what I wanted to him. I miss him.


  1. Replies
    1. Thanks. It's fun to try and get them. It's a whole other kind of photography.

  2. Oh gosh I miss St. Louis! I spent 42 years of my life in a town south of there, Farmington. We spent a lot of time in the city and enjoyed so many of the firework displays. I have enjoyed browsing through your blog. I know how you feel with entertaining the kiddos. I made the mistake of entertaining them all the time when they were younger, so now they expect it all the time and get so bored so easily. I am nominating you for the VERSATILE BLOGGER AWARD! Come over as soon as you can and grab your badge and get the details. Have a fabulous day!

    1. Wow...Thanks, Sheila. It's so awesome that we can recognize each other and lift each other up. Sometimes people need it more than we know. We could have been "neighbors". Missouri is a great place to live. I'll come by soon to get my award.

  3. Your firework photos are fantastic! I've tried taking photos of fireworks for years and I never even came close. lol

    1. Thanks, Gina. I wish we had more times to practice then we would all be happy with them.

  4. Beautiful shots! I always fail at firework photography.

    What a sweet dog. Sorry to hear he is gone. :(

  5. Great shots! And, I love Charlie, too. Sorry he's gone. Our Jessie never would have allowed that. She was such a princess!

    1. Thanks. He was such a good boy. There will never be another dog like him that's for sure.


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