Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Things I Love about St.Louis: St Louis Cardinals

( This is number five in the Things I Love About Saint Louis Series. Click here to read more.)

There is nothing more  Saint Louis and summertime  than  Saint Louis Cardinals baseball.  I've been  listening to, watching, and going to the games for all of my life.  I know there are plenty of people who live here who don't feel the same way as I do about our team and some others who are even bigger die hard fans than me.  I think if I moved somewhere else, I would still be a Cardinals fan.

There is just something about going down  to watch a baseball game with 40, 000+ of your closest friends, you are dressed alike, and you are ready to cheer on your team no matter what.  I am so proud that we are known as some of the best fans around. Most of us are not fair weather. We think they are going to win  the World Series every year. And as they did last year , it was magic.

Busch Stadium, home of the redbirds , is a great place to bring the family. There is a whole range of ticket prices from nose bleeds ( which are really nice ) to down on the field, almost. 

Around the stadium  are statues of great cardinal players : Lou Brock, Ozzie Smith, ad Stan Musial  to name a few.  When they built the new Stadium, they allowed fans to buy bricks  and have names and things engraved on them. It's really fun to walk around and look at them. I wish I would have done that when we were getting married.  It would have been fun to go and show the kids.

Getting There and Parking

Her legs "were tired" as soon as we got there...hmmm

There are a few ways to get to the game. You can drive or take the MetroLink . There are always buses and taxis too but I've never done those so I can't say how well they work.  Parking is  between $20- $10and less depending on how far away from the stadium you park.  There are garages and lots. We parked as close as we could so K wouldn't have to walk as far.
Watching the Metro Link train pull up right next to the stadium

The Metro Link is also great. She would have loved to ride the metro train but you need to factor in all the stops it makes and we didn't ,so not this time. It is a great way to not have to drive all the way downtown with stops throughout parts of the city ( not all)

Tickets and Promotional Items

There are always a bunch of great promotional days every year. This day happened to be  Kids T shirt day (15 and under) and North Star Ice Cream Sundays.  I would totally recommend  coming on one of these days.  Why not get a cool freebie with your ticket?  K got a Fredbird ( mascot ) t shirt and we went over to Ford Family Plaza got an free ice cream  and got our pictures taken with  the world series trophy for free. There is also the Family Pavilion on the first level with some family things you can do  like a batting cage.


The tickets we got for this game were a special discounted price that also came with a hot dog and a soda with the price of the ticket. As soon as we got up to our level we got our free dogs and drinks. Remember when I talked about saving money buy bringing food to places when you can? I'm not sure how other stadiums operate but  it is OK for you to bring small soft coolers/ cooler bags full of  water and food if you want to cut down on costs. How great is that?  We saved so much money. We brought a cooler bag with 6 bottles of water, cheese sticks, and goldfish crackers. I love the  food there and there are some things that just taste better at a baseball game.  My hubby says beer is one of those things.  But it all adds up fast.

There a tons of places to buy Cardinal stuff including a Build a bear Store on site where you can build Clydesdales and Fredbirds. You  can't build them anywhere else in the city. You can find anything Cardinal and baseball you can think of. They even have the pressed pennies, one of K's favorite things.

 Kids and Baseball Games

We happened to go with some friends and family of ours so K had a whole group of people to talk to and play with.  You're probably noticing that S is not with us.  She doesn't sit well for more than 10 minutes at a time.  And with it being her nap time, she sat this one out. We hope she'll  be able to go next year. You'll see kids of all ages from  weeks old on up. It's all up to you and your kids.  There are plenty of rams so you can bring your strollers in if you need to.  She spent alot of the game looking for Fredbird, the mascot. He does walk around the stadium the whole game. He will even sometimes come and joke around with fans like put his beak over your head. It's pretty darn funny.

She really didn't watch the game too much but she loved the atmosphere,clapping along to the organ music and  when we scored. It was an exciting game. They won in the very bottom of the 9th inning.  There was such a roar that you could feel it. And they always set off fireworks when we win so that adds to it.

Cutest Cardinal Fan Ever


After the Games

There is so much to do after the games as well . Downtown has places to eat,  carriage rides to enjoy, and if you are without kids, casinos and awesome bars. Or you could always go to my  all time favorite frozen custard place, Ted Drewes. It;s just a shirt drive down highway 44. Well worth it.


  1. Since we live out of town, we always drive and park in one of the $5 garages. It's always convienent unless I get lost downtown and have to work myself out of some weird spot. But I normally, now, just follow traffic and get back onto one of the roads going west. We ate at one restaurant, can't think of the place, but it wasn't any better than a Panera but more expensive. We won't be going back but we love the Irish pub downtown. And of course, photos of the Arch are always nice in any background!

    1. I didn't even know we had $5 garages. My bad. Downtown is pretty crazy to drive in. I get lost down there and I've lived here my whole life. Too many one way streets and bad parts you just don't want to be in.

  2. Great Post. Cardinals games are really so much fun. It's great to have a kid at the age they actually enjoy going.

    1. Thanks. I can't wait until we can all go and fully enjoy it.

  3. Love all the pictures, great post. GO CARDS!

    1. Thanks. I love the ones your took with the kids.

  4. Looks like a lot of fun! Love the pictures.

    1. It really was. If ever you are in town, it's a blast.

  5. What a fun time ... and your photos are fantastic!

  6. This looks like so much fun! I'm totally jealous.
    Thanks for posting on my blog. I'm following yours now. :)

    1. It was a good time. I love your blog too. Following you back.

  7. Hi Emily,

    I'm happy to be your 60th follower! I found your blog through Debbiedoo's Link Party and I'm happy to have done so. I can really relate to your about me page and look forward to following along.

    I've been to St. Louis a few times, but not since I was a teenager. We almost moved there with my dad's company several times (he worked for TWA forever). He actually lived there during the week and commuted home to NY for the last three years of his career there and I have a really fond memory of flying out to meet him one weekend when he couldn't get home. He took me to a Cardinal's game and we had a blast. Great post!

    Have a nice evening.

    1. Ahhh....TWA. They were such a part of Saint Louis. It's like we all felt like we owned them almost. I'm glad you found me so I could read your blog too. It's look like we'll get along just fine...wait...what did I say?


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