Monday, January 21, 2013

Second Shooting a wedding Part Duex

Remember  how I second shot a wedding last year?   I was super lucky enough back in the fall of 2012 to get hired on as a Second Shooter for Karen at  Karen Hendrix Photography.  My sister happened to know someone that used her and she posted on her Facebook page that she was looking for a second shooter for 4 fall weddings that she would be shooting.  I met with her, found out  I could get paid ( woo hoo), and get experience from a pro. How great is that?  She interviewed a few other people but I got the position.

I really learned alot from Karen about how shooting  a wedding works:  how to balance your time, the clients needs, and  still be creative at the same time.   Of the 4 weddings,  the first was down at the Four Seasons on the Landing in Downtown Saint Louis.  It was quite a first wedding to do with her.... huge wedding party and almost all indoors. Indoor shots are still more of  a challenge than the outside shots for me.

Here's a little peak and if you want to see more head over to my photoblog.


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