Tuesday, June 19, 2012

10 things I learned on a car trip with two small kids

                This is what 15 hours looks like....goldfish crackers all over and feet in my face.

1. Dual DVD players are super NICE!
They weren't plugged in the whole time but when the wining and complaining go to be too much. It saved
me and J.

2.  Bring every pool/water  toy/floaty you can fit in the car. Even if you don't think you'll need it.
We had to buy many things that we didn't think we would need  and left at home but then we did need.

3. The kids liked the pool more than the ocean.
It was a little wavy to say the least so once we showed them the calm, warmer pool. K didn't want to go  back to the beach. We tried to explain to her that we have pools at home but not beaches. She didn't really care.

4.  Be prepared to be a bad recycler.
This was hard for me. I'm normally a great recycler. I recycle everything. But down in Pensacola Beach. I couldn't find any kind of community recycling place and the condo complex definitely didn't care one way or the other. I had to suck it up and say sorry environment for a whole week.

5.  Don't bring too much stuff for yourself ( the mommies and daddies) to do.
We brought all kinds of IPod, IPad, speakers, magazines, books.... you know...thinking we could do something besides watch our kids. Nope. We were busy we the kids whenever they were awake and when they were napping or asleep.... We were napping or asleep. Long gone are the days of reading a magazine on the beach..unless we go somewhere without kids. I know, we were a little delusional.

6. The kids may not sleep at all in the car.
Everyone was saying" Oh, they'll sleep for hours". You are all  F-O-S. They slept for 30 min each on the way there. Yes, you read that right....30minutes....for a 15 hour car drive..... That's nuts.  I know my kids are not normal but come on..... 30 min?! really?

7. Pack less toys and books for them.
I packed 6 books per kid and a small book bag of toys per kid. And they proceeded to read the same two books all week and play/fight over the same four small toys all week. Lesson learned.

8. Not even cute maps help after 15 hours in the car with a 30 minute nap.
 She was doing really well with the map until hour 13 and then it was every five minutes " Are we at the beach now?" But it did work until then.

9. Portable apple sauces, squeezy yogurt tubes and goldfish crackers are a god-send.
 Buy and pack as many as you can into a cooler. They helped avoid many meltdowns and supplemented alot of the meals we stopped to eat when they didn't like anything on the menus.

10. That it should only get easier or at least a different kind of hard.
 They were really great for the amount of time they were in the car.  I had to keep telling myself we were asking a 4 and 2 year old to sit for hours and hours and hours.


  1. LOl! I so remember this days (trips)! Yes, all great tips:) Now my hubby and I pack things to keep US busy when we travel, several newspapers for the crosswords (I read them out loud and he drives) are our favorite.

    I just nominated you for the Sunshine Award:) Please come on over to my place for all the fun details.

    1. Someday my hubby and I will be there too. I told him about you, your hubby, and the rv thing. I think he's ok with us doing that too someday. Aww...thanks for the award. I can't wait to pay it forward.

  2. Stopping over from My Turn (For Us). I love finding new blogs, sharing ideas and making new friends! I'm following you via GFC! Congratulations on the Sunshine Award, too! Be blessed :)

    1. Thanks, Jamie. Following you back because I love anyone who shares their cooking knowledge with me.

  3. Oh my! Well, I have two girls - 14 and 11 - and I will say it gets easier. Much easier. With different kinds of challenges, but car trips are better. Only my 11 year old wants to watch movies anymore. Though most of them spent our last drive to Disney texting either with their friends or each other (yes they were sitting right next to each other!).

    1. That's what I'm hoping for in the future.And thanks to you I can picture it all now....ahhh...the quiet.

  4. It drives me crazy when people tell me they'll sleep in the car. I usually get 15 minutes during my 6 hour drive to see my folks...and my husband is not with me. I agree, DVD players in cars are the best! Glad to see you survived!

    1. Super glad I'm not the only one who's kids don't sleep hours. But I am sorry You are they only one in the car for that...yikes!

  5. Cute pics and no, yours in not a read here more blog. Miss Mustard Seed's is an examle (a wonderful blog--one of my favorites). Here is a link: http://missmustardseed.com/

    1. Thanks. Oh.... that's what you mean. I have seen that format before. Thanks for getting back to me.

  6. So very true!! I have a love/hate relationship with road trips!

    1. I know, right? You're so excited to go and then all the realities start setting in..

  7. Oh man I remember those times with my 2 girls! long car rides up to the Adirondacks - thank God for the DVD player is all I can say! It does get easier, and now that they are older they hang out together which I love. But I can remember wondering when I was ever going to get a moment to just sit and read a book again.

    1. I'm glad I'm not the only one. I am SO hoping for the hanging out part. I keep telling the older one that her sister is going to be her best friend. I'm hoping it will stick.

  8. Thanks for this post! :) We are driving from Texas to Alabama pretty soon (about 10 hours, including stops, I am estimating) - with our 3 year old twins in the backseat! They have never ever been on a long car ride before. =\ I am nervous, to say the least. Definitely need to stop planning cutesy car games and spring for that DVD player!

    1. NO problem. You never know. Your kids may be the good kind that like and do cute games. Mine are not those kids. Good luck . I hope they do great.

  9. We haven't been on a long car ride yet with our two boys, but when we finally do, I will definitely keep these things in mind :D

    I'm a new follower from the Mommy Brain Mixer.


    1. Hi, Jackie. Your boys look a little older so you should be able to handle it a little better than me :) Following you back

  10. Hi, visiting from the mommy brain mixer. Agree that car trips with kids just suck!!!!

  11. New follower from the Monday Mommy Mixer
    Great post! I have 3 under 3 and am terrified to travel with them! ha!
    Misty @ monkeysandtutus.blogspot.com

    1. Whoa! I might be too :) Just lots of loud music and DVDs, and mayeb ear plugs for u.

  12. Great tips! We took our sons from Chicago to Yellowstone a few years ago. I wrapped little presents (sometimes just little boxes of Froot Loops) to give to them every two hours of driving. It was a lot of work on the front end, but paid off majorly during the long drive.

    Stopping by from Two in Diapers.

    1. That's a good idea too. Then the questions would have been every five minutes" Is ti time for a present yet?" Your blog is hysterical by the way. good stuff.

  13. SO funny! My hubby and I always end up bringing things to do too, like we think we'll end up getting to DO those things?? I'm super happy that you linked up to the Mommy-Brain Mixer this week, friend! I hope to see you again next week! :)

    1. I know, right? we're all crazy parents. Free time, I forget what that is.

  14. Good to know, Esther. I'm SO not ready for the flying with them yet.


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